So far we are always by bus, Car or boat traveled through Southeast Asia, but this time we had to get on the plane. The island of Borneo was our next destination and after 2 hours we landed in the afternoon in the city of Kuching to the west of the island. Borneo consists of a Malay and Indonesian part. Sarawak (in the west) and Sabah (in the East) are the two states of Malaysia on Borneo. In between lies the small country Brunei. By taxi, it went up to our accommodation, the “Threehouse“, of the Bindi, a Swedish, guided.
Kuching is 600.000 A population of large cities and the capital of Sarawak, Borneo. Despite the many residents, the city has a very cozy and quiet. You can do from here many excursions in the area.
On Wednesday afternoon we are, after the rain had finally stopped, some have strolled through the town and at first made us smart in the tourist information about the area. Then we went to the Waterfront, past Chinese houses and small food stalls.
27. June 2013: Man im Semengoh Naturreservat Utans
The next morning we went out early, because we wanted to take the first bus to Semenggoh. In the nature reserve 24km away Semengoh you have the opportunity to see wild orangutans. Orangutans are only on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra. In the nature reserve live 24 orangutans. Twice a day there is a feeding and if you're lucky, you can watch the orangutans here. Often you can see but very few of them, because they find enough food in the forest. We have at the park headquarters can already see a few animals. It's fascinating how easy and relaxed they shimmy from tree to tree. Often, they also depend on only one hand or foot “around”. A guide took us to a small observation platform, from which we could watch the orangutans at feeding. The guide called the animals a few times and kept the food ready for them. In the distance we saw wiggling the treetops, but nothing else could recognize further. Then, the branches moving at a different location. First, a smaller copy approached the feeding station, grabbed a few bananas and then made room for a fairly large males. This immediately took the entire bucket of bananas and carried him up into the tree crown. In the trees around the feeding place we could see another 5 Orangutans, which swung from branch to branch. On the way back we saw also a mother with her child. There are really very fascinating creatures and it is good, that they are protected here.
In the afternoon we took a tour of Kuching. Kuching is in German “Cat” and therefore can be found in the city, some cat statues and cat icons. We wandered through the streets, past small temples, Shops and restaurants all the way to the waterfront on the River “Sarawak”. On the horizon, it was pretty dark at once and it looked like, as if a violent storm starts soon. On the way back to the hotel we ever wondered why it was so dark in most restaurants and shops. Bindi told us then, that the power went out all over town. Since we had not eaten, we went quickly around the corner to a Chinese food stall. Just arrived there it started to rain heavily. In the food stalls was cooked by candlelight. At Tiger Beer, Shrimp soup and porridge we waited for better weather for the way home. In our guesthouse candles were everywhere set up and after a few hours the power was back then.
28. June 2013: Bako Nationalpark
The bus was fortunately still at a red light next to the bus stop and we were lucky, that the bus driver was so nice and took us. Because we were quite late, first because we were waiting at the wrong bus stop. After 45 minutes drive we arrived at the bus stop to the National Park at Bako. From here we had yet to take the boat to the park. Maximum 5 people can fit in a boat. To save costs, we wanted to find another rider. We have just addressed another couple. As it turned out they were the same also German and we shared the boat. Petra and Stefan, live long in Florida, stayed for the third time in the Bako National Park and therefore knowledgeable. They have given us therefore also a few tips for the walks and we arranged a place where we should pick up the boaters later.
First, we had to register with the park headquarters. Wr also still got a trail map and then it could go. We have also heard, that we could also see proboscis monkeys, that there is only only on Borneo. You have, as the name says, very large nose and a big belly and therefore look very witty from.
The Bako National Park is the smallest and oldest national park in Sarawak and you can discover it on various trails. We took the first one,6km langen “Pako” Trail to a secluded beach. The vegetation here is very nice, many tree roots and moss were on their way. After a few minutes we were completely drenched in sweat. In what felt like 90% humidity and 30 ° C in the shade which is not surprising since. Unfortunately, we have not seen any monkeys, only a few crabs, Lizards and birds. After 2 hours we were back at headquarters and took a lunch break in the hope went round about the park headquarters, the proboscis monkeys to discover.
At lunch we met Petra and Stefan again. They told us, that they had seen just around the corner, the proboscis monkey. But as they led us to the lunch break there, where they had seen them before, the monkeys were gone again. That was a real shame. We made our first but then on the way to 2,5 km from the beach “Telok Pandan Small”. After a few meters we came back to Petra and Stefan and this time we could see the proboscis monkeys for the first time. Right next played a few Silverleaf monkeys (Silver Haubenlagur), we watched for a while before we our way through the forest, continued over roots and grass landscape. Our goal was a beautiful little bay surrounded by high cliffs. Before that was in the sea of so-called “Kobrafelsen”. After we briefly cooled our feet in the water, already came our boat driver and we drove back to the park entrance. A beautiful day in nature came to an end.
Since the Threehouse guest house was fully booked for the rest of the day, we had to go in the evening or in another place. In Tracks B&B received us Zakri, A Manager vom Tracks, and greeted us immediately with the words “Don’t worry, Baby! No problem!“. It was not long until we realized, that probably everyone, whether man or woman, its “Baby” or “Darling” was. Somehow a crazy guy.
Zakri even took us to a local food stand where we had a delicious fish for dinner and Dschungelfarn. Unfortunately, the night was not quite as relaxing as we had hoped. The club turned over until deep into the night the music full on and the loud bass let us sleep late.
29. June 2013: Rainforest World Music Festival
On Saturday there was a reunion with Jennifer. She came to Kuching for the Rainforest World Music Festival and we wanted to go there in the evening together. Finally, we were already long on any concert more.
In the afternoon we are three strolled through Kuching and have made us taste typical dishes Borneo: Laksa (a spicy soup with coconut milk, Lemongrass and shrimp) und Kolo Mee (Pasta with garlic and roasted pork).
By bus we went to the Sarawak Cultural Village in the evening, wo das Festival stattfand. Kalpana from Perth and also in our guest accommodation, had joined our little group and together we looked for a nice spot on the lawn in front of the stage. According to an Indonesian group Dizu were Plaatjies & the Ibuyambo Ensemble aus Südafrika auf. They were really great. In her typical African outfits and with a lot of rhythm in their blood they brought good mood in the audience. After the concert, we looked around and still a bit in the Sarawak Cultural Village “Longhouse” visited. This is a typical home in the usually several families live together, sometimes several hundred people.
After Sleeping in on Sunday we went to the market with Jennifer. There we wanted to try maggots, but they were unfortunately sold out. The afternoon we spent in a cozy cafe.
Monday afternoon it was for us then to Miri. Together with Jennifer, we drove to the airport. There, we said goodbye for the time being of their, as they flew back to KL.
- Approach to Kuching
- Approach to Kuching
- Parliament building
- View from the Waterfront
- View from the Waterfront
- City Mosque
- im Semenggoh Naturreservat
- Orang-Utan
- Grosse orang-utan Männchen
- Orang-Utan
- Orang-Utan Kind
- Thiang Hiang Siang Paste
- “Corner of Good Hope”
- Katzenstatue “Great Cat of Kuching”
- Sun behind the clouds
- in the streets of Kuching – a storm is
- Bako im Nationalpark
- the bank of the national parks in flood
- dense jungle on the way to Pako-Beach
- Jungle path on the way to Pako-Beach
- Warning of wild animals
- Pako-Beach
- Hermit crab
- well camouflaged lizard
- And even a lizard ...
- Proboscis Monkey
- Proboscis Monkey
- Proboscis Monkey
- Silver Haubenlangur
- the shore of the National Park at low tide
- Sub Telok Pandan Beach
- “Cobra-” and “Frogs Rock” Sub Telok Pandan Beach
- Sarawak Laksa
- Nicole and two girls in traditional costumes
- Jennifer, Kalpana, Nicole and I at the Rainforest World Music Festival
- Dizu Platelets & the Ibuyambo Ensemble
- Jennifer and Nicole
- after the show
- typical longhouse
- Ornaments in the nave
- in the nave
- dried fish
- Bananas in all sizes
- Cucumbers in atypical shape and color
- Dschungelfarn – like spinach
Your world travel still very interesant for us.
Looking forward with you always, that you experience something beautiful
can. Of course we will continue your journey further.