The Milford Sound is a 15km long fjord in the south west of the South Island. Surrounded by up to 1200 m high rock walls, he is the most important tourist attraction in Fiordland National Park.
We were looking for a campsite in Te Anau, where the 119 km Milford Road to the fjord begins. Since it had rained quite a bit the last few days here, we feared the next day no luck with the weather to have. The Milford Sound is located in one of the wettest places on earth. But the weather forecast predicted sunshine and so we set off at 6 in the morning:00Uhr los, to arrive before the rush of visitors. We immediately wanted to take the first boat through the fjord.
In the night it still had rained, but in the morning it looked better and there were over Lake Te Anau and the mountains a beautiful rainbow. The further we drove towards the fjord, Nevertheless mehr regnete es. Also when we arrived after 2 hours trip on Milford Sound, it was still raining. There was no better, on the contrary, it poured with rain. We waited for a while, but the sky was just gray and it did not look like, as if it would soon improve. So we decided to make no boating, since one of sheer mist, Clouds and rain would have seen anything anyway. Very sad! It would certainly have been great. So we went on our way back. The Milford Road runs through a gorge covered with rain forest and the left and right of the road we saw countless waterfalls plunge from the high mountains. That was the advantage of the rainy weather, otherwise there would have been here determined not so many waterfalls. The mountains looked despite fog and clouds very impressive, even if we could only detect hard. In warm weather, it must be really stunning here.
We made a stop. Seppel wanted in the rainy weather rather not out of the car, but I made a little hike through the mossy forest formed the canyon up to a ravine where a waterfall rushing down over thousands of years and has.
The rain was on the way back then, although less and less, but though the sky remained overcast clouds. We therefore continued our journey to Queenstown continued.
- double rainbow over Lake Te Anau
- infinitely many waterfalls
- thick rain clouds at Milford Sound
- huge waterfalls
- Regenwetter am Milford Sound
- Regenwetter am Milford Sound
- wolkenverhangene Berge
- Regenwetter am Milford Sound
- Flower meadow on the way back to the Milford Road