Unsere Fähre comb nachmittags am Hafen von Kota Kinabalu an. Since many guesthouses were already booked the backpacker district, we checked in “1 City Hotel” ein und profiles am frühen Abend völlig müde Unser Grosses Bett. Yes, travel also makes you tired…
Kota Kinabalu, also called KK, is the capital of the state of Sabah and has about. 450.000 Population. We spent our days with the planning of our next stations. In East Borneo, it is not so easy to do something spontaneously. Viele Aktivitäten Muss man im Voraus Buchen. Gerade in der Hauptsaison (we have right now) much is already booked. After several visits to different dive shops and travel agencies we decided for 3 days jungle experience on Kinabatangan River and then dip a few more days. Seppel would also like to actually climb Mount Kinabalu. This is with 4095m the highest mountain in Borneo. The ascent takes 2 days and is very (highly!) exhausting. Not only because of the steep rise, but also because of the thin air up there. Add to that, that it is extremely expensive,. Thus we have but decided against it.
The rest of the time we spent in KK with a walk on the waterfront, stroll through the market, drinking coffee at Starbucks and edit photos and blog. In addition, we nursed our demand for western food in a good Italian restaurant.
- Arrival at the port
- Catamaran ferry to Kota Kinabalu
- Kota Kinabalu
- View of the city
- an der Waterfront
- Fischlokale an der Waterfront
- Frisch Langusten
- in der Strasse unseres Hotels
- Ausblick vom Hotelzimmer
Hey you two,
we were in September 2014 in KK – KK before there are beautiful islands, Were you there? We continued on our trip to KK Poring and wanted to stay further east, are then but due to the better connection back to KL again after KK back and have indulged in a few nice days on one of the islands off KK. That there are also all under http://www.travelcats.de/kat/asien/malaysia/borneo/ zum nachlesen 🙂
Love greetings