Finally it went again into the wilderness, the largest river of the Malaysian state of Sabah on Borneo, the Kinabatangan. We flew from Kota Kinabalu to Sandakan, where they were picked up by a bus, took us 4 hours in the jungle to the Kinabatangan. The last piece was pretty bumpy, but we were well received. In the lowlands of the river forms an approximately 4000 sq km large floodplain, a portion of which is under protection. In the Nature Lodge Kinabatangan, Located right on the river and in the nature reserve, We spent the next few days.
Since everything was well organized and planned, we felt the first time on our trip a bit like in the package holiday as a group,. The bus ride was unfortunately taken longer than planned, so we were with the schedule already something in default. So it was said just quickly leave backpacks in our 4-room and on the first program, a boat trip on the Kinabatangan. In bright sunshine and blue skies we had great weather for the first exploring.
According to the WWF, the region is one of only two known in the world, where 10 different species of primates live, z.B. People juice, Proboscis monkeys, Borneo Gibbons und-tailed. All of these species are found only on the island of Borneo. Also live here, the Borneo pygmy elephants. We were very excited, the animals which we will probably see.
We took the boat upstream and watched tensely the shore in search of animals. That was not so easy in the dense green of the rainforest. First we saw a couple of hornbills in the sky and on the shore a few monkeys in the trees, macaques were. We drove a bit further and then we discovered a horde of proboscis monkeys, probably just slipped away their supper in the treetops. A few proboscis monkeys we had previously in Bako Nationalpark seen, but here we were able to observe them up close and it was really a lot of. That was a great experience. Our guide then discovered even a snake, we had never seen him without, as it was well hidden. As we drove back to the lodge the sun was already slowly. The dinner also waiting for us.
Well rested we went to dinner in the jungle. Armed with headlamps and rubber boots in the dark we went in search of nocturnal animals. How quickly turned out the borrowed boots were a very good investment, because the road was very muddy. Sometimes we even stuck to the calves in the mud. Unfortunately in our group was a family, do not know how we have to observe the animals to behave, namely quietly. They trudged aloud narrative and giggling through the jungle which is obviously not just helpful in finding shy animals in the dark was.
But we were lucky, were able to develop a small lead and thereby have a Malay civet seen on a tree. The woman's family, incidentally, was slipped between time and was back in a mud puddle. When she wanted to see the civet, they had long since fled because of the noise. On the night hike we have also some small insects and a sleeping Kingfisher, the so-called jungle fishing, seen. We were tired after our bunk bed.
The next morning we had to leave at 5:Up 30 clock, as for 6:00 The clock “Morning boat trip” was scheduled. According to the program description, we should actually wake up to the calls of gibbons and birds, but our fan was so loud, that they were not heard. Before sunrise, we took the boat back down the river and hoped, this time perhaps to see orangutans or even elephants. But our guide told us, that the elephants are just quite far away from our lodge and unfortunately our hopes faded, to see these amazing animals live. But we could see the first time crocodiles in the wild. It is quite difficult to spot them, since they are very well camouflaged and look like wood drifting in the water.
We had noticed, that the river was covered in some places with a green oily layer. Arshad, our guide, explained, that comes from palm oil plantations, which are located in close proximity to the nature reserve. There is unfortunately still a lot of rainforest cut down to build here at palm oil plantations. As a result, the animals are increasingly displaced from their natural habitat and retreat towards the river. Some species are therefore already threatened with extinction.
Now we needed a good breakfast but first and as it is with a well-organized program just the way, already got everything ready for the return of the boat trip. Full and satisfied we covered our boots back on and went along with our guide, Debbie and Yves from Belgium, Diana from Germany and Emma from England on their way through the jungle to a nearby lake. It went through huge mud puddles and you had quite careful, not to slip or get stuck. But it was very funny and the lake we had a little time to relax before going on the way back. After 3 hours we arrived back at the lodge and guesses, what was waiting for us already… right, lunch! Then we were off to the afternoon and then we went to the next boat trip. This time we again saw a huge horde of proboscis monkeys in the trees on the shore. Even a large male was present, and a mother with child. Our guide told us, that the monkeys crashing while jumping from one branch to another sometimes, because the branches to break. Some of them did not survive the crash of the huge heights or are seriously injured.
After dinner we went back a night hike. Luckily the loud family was no longer there on the last day. Thus we could graze peacefully through the jungle and keep for wildlife. Apart from the sleeping kingfisher from the previous day, we also saw a civet cat again, a few insects and various birds. To end the day we enjoyed along with Debbie and Yves still a cold beer and then we went off to bed.
Last day on the Kinabatangan River began as the day before. With a very early boat ride there went out to meet the sunrise. We were still in search of orangutans and elephants, but unfortunately we could not discover again. But we saw a couple of crocodiles again and this time there was even a fairly large. Also hornbills, Raptors, Monitor lizards and many monkeys we observed. Damage, that it did not work with the elephants and orangutans, but the way it is in the nature. We loved the time still really liked the river and we had a few nice days in the jungle.
After breakfast it was called then, unfortunately, goodbye to. A boat took us to the other side of the river, where we are with Debbie, Yves and Diana got on the bus to Semporna…
- Boat tour on the Jungle River
- a horde of proboscis monkeys
- a fairly large male proboscis monkey
- … und seine Weibchen
- Bindenwaran
- Eisvogel (Dschungelfischer)
- a Hornbill
- Eisvogel (Storchschnabelliest)
- the first wild crocodile, we have ever seen – a salt water crocodile
- And ... still a small crocodile
- tropischer Bandfüßer
- Matsch-Wanderung
- knöcheltief im Matsch
- wir in der Matschpfütze
- ein zusammengerollter Tausendfüßer – ein Riesenkugler
- Blutegel
- Breather on the lake
- back through the mud
- on the jungle river
- Bindenwaran
- Langschwanzmakake
- for palm oil plantations in the jungle is destroyed
- a snake head fish on the hook
- a green film of oil on the river – Pollution by oil plantations
- Bindenwaran a riverside
- Long-tailed macaques
- a proboscis monkey is watching us
- Still ... a Proboscis Monkey
- ein Baum voller Nasenaffen
- Male proboscis monkey
- Nicole and our guide Arshad
- Malay civet
- a Kappenpitta
- sleeping Schwarzgenickschnäpper
- Spinning rotor – a Centipede
- sleeping jungle fishing
- early morning on the Kinabatangan River
- a bird of prey (Brahminenweih) perched in tree
- Raptors (Brahminenweih) up in the tree
- a large specimen of a salt water crocodile
- Egrets
- Long-tailed macaques – Mother and Child
- Hornbills
- small Schweinsaffe
- small Schweinsaffe
We are always excited and impressed.
On Saturday, the parents come to us, there are
We talk a lot about you determined. Happy we